Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Summer Fun in Bear Lake

We had a family reunion in Bear Lake this August with my family (Kristin's). It was of course lots and lots of fun. We rented a large cabin, but honestly could it be large enough with a group of like 23.......12 of which are under the age of 8.....I think not. But that's what made it so much fun, lots of good visiting time, good food, way too much fun, and all in good company!!!
Here is little Taylor digging in the sand, having the time of her life.
More fun!!!

Leif enjoying the good life.......He kind of looks like a homeless guy, living off his chair on the side of the road. He looked like he needed help so I gave him some food and water.


A. Simpson said...

Poor poor Leif, I'm so glad you took pity and fed him!

Joel and Kristie said...

Yeah I found you!!! How are you loving living in Utah? We are in St. George now so if you need another sunny vacation, just come down here, and when we want to play in the snow we'll give you a call!

Precision Photography said...

My little famers market buddy!! It is about time you got one of these, Why didn't you send me a message and let me know!!!! I miss you sooo much and think about you all the time!! I was hoping you would get one these I didn't any way of getting a hold of you. I CAN NOT believe how big Taylor is!! She is so beautiful just like her mommy!!!! I saw the picture of her on Amy's and it took a little while until I realized who it was. So glad to see some pictures of you all!

Tiffany said...

WooHoo! I finally found a link that worked to your blog! Too cute!

BrandonKristin said...


I don't know how often you check this, but I found you and thought I would say hello! This is Kristin West, from the USU Married ward! How are you? I thought I would say hello, and hope you check this often so we can catch up a bit!


Joel and Kristie said...

Hey you need to update!! We miss you guys!

Joel and Kristie said...

Hey what is your email so we can chat? Mine is

Richard and Allison said...

Wow I can't belive how big she has gotten. This is Allison (banks) by the way. So how are you guys? Are you still in portland? Well I hope all is going well for you.

Richard and Allison said...

hey just thought that I would let you know I have a blog now. it is

Lindy said...

Hey Kristin & Leif!
Looks like we aren't the only ones to find you through your blog! I have been wondering how you guys are doing & what you are up to! I wanted to say hi- check out our blog!
We would love to hear from ya!

Pieces of me... said...

You have some cuties there! And what a summer! It's good to see your family. :)